"The heart wants what it wants. There's no logic to these things. You meet someone and you fall in love and that's that." – Woody Allen
And that's that, A.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
I can't stand the marketing people. They talk too much, feed you up with slides, and won't stop blabbering even when you give them a fucking bored face at a meeting. And they will chase you down like a hunter, popping up at your office when you least expect it and say things like,"Yeah, I was in the neighborhood and I thought, why don't I pay you a visit?"
You were in the neighborhood? Seriously, dude? And that makes it okay for you to come without any appointment whatsoever? Like I have nothing else to do but to welcoming you at my office.
No, seriously. Is that a standard opening line for you guys or what? 'Cos I've heard that line coming from every marketing people I know to justify their presence.
A little advice from me, guys. Next time, pick a new line. Be creative and stop fooling around.
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image from andertoons.com |
Monday, October 29, 2012
Off You Go
I really hate it when my workmates walked up behind my cubicle and stretched their head over my shoulder to peer into my computer screen. I mean, what if I was about to write some nasty things about them in my blog at that particular moment? It would really hurt our relationship if they found out, right?
Now, I seriously have no idea what turns me into such a beeyotch.
Off you go, wicked-witch!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
So, I've finally found my next exit. I submitted my resignation letter yesterday and it was blithesome. Sure it drawn a mixed comments. My dear, dear friend Tia said, "PAAARTYYY!" While another friend replied, "Is it weird if I say 'hurray'? I really don't know what to say."
Most people asked me, "Why so sudden?" And I was like, "Well, I've been dreaming about it for months. So you do the math, sweetheart!"
Life is too short to be wasted away by doing things you don't like. So what I'm gonna do next is to find my true calling, my niche. Manipulating people is obviously not my strong suit. Maybe I'm destined to be a professional dreamer who sells dreams to people who can no longer dreaming. Or I can always join a traveling circus, pretending to be a sad sad clown.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Then You Cracked A Smile
Dear A,
Isn't it funny how simple things can just stick like glue in your head for quite some time? Like the way you wore your white t-shirt and blue jeans that night, or the way you waved your hand in hesitation the second time we met.
I can still remember the look on your face, a deep heavy voice, a few gray strands here and there, and those curious, confused slanted eyes.
Then you cracked a smile.
And I chuckled.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Fare You Well
So it turns out that the rumor is true, eh, Elmo? You're leaving. I'm not gonna get to see you again. Well, I'm leaving too. Better jump out of the sinking ship before it's buried at the bottom of the ocean, no? But I hate the way you keep it secret given the fact that you often come to me for newspapers with your hello-apa-kabar phrase that drives me nuts. I think I'm gonna miss it tho.
I think I'm gonna miss you.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Affair of The Heart
When married people having an affair, they show these little traits: they talk on the phone for hours and can't wipe that stupid smile off their face while they stare at computer screen, dark spot on the wall, or their toe caps. You know that he/she is having an affair because married people lost their sparks past their honeymoon phase.
Well I'm not married nor in a serious relationship right now, I'm just a pessimist when it comes to marriage or monogamous relationship. I was in a long distance relationship once and I gave that up. I had this trust issue and couldn't cope with that. So I decided to give up what I once thought a true love.
The funny thing is, I always considered my self as the faithful type until a friend of mine told me the opposite.
"Hey, do you think I'm a faithful lover?" I rambled one night just before we fell asleep. "No, you're absolutely not," she laughed when I gaped aghast.
"B-but... I've never cheated," I said defensively, trying in vain to save my dignity. "Yeah, there are many forms of infidelity. If it's not physical, then it's emotional. I don't know which category you fall into," she continued. In general, infidelity is a violation of trust. And there is no point in keeping the damaged one.
"So, why are we talking about this matter anyway?" you ask.
Well, because, I was passing in front of this guy's office and I saw him blushing when he spoke on the phone with such soft voice. So I thought, okay, he must be talking to his mistress. >:)
Monday, October 15, 2012
Dude, Where's My Kue Pancong?
And what happens with my pageviews? It suddenly turns to zero.
Anyway, let's have a serious talk about feelings here. It's been quite a while since I stop being melancholic. I was a queen of melancholy back then, who wrote forlorn poems and a pile of love letters that have never been sent. I was stuck in dreary routine of working, dreaming a little dream of you, and trying to sleep. But, oddly, I was content. Yes, I was sad and lonely and scared to death about the future. But at least I could still feel something even if it hurts.
Emotions. Something that makes me human. I think I've lost them. Where do I seek for it again?
Thursday, September 27, 2012
So This Is It
Don't I deserve someone better whom I can count on? Should I toil endlessly for something I don't even believe in and still also have to babysit this big baby?
Why did you hire her as intern if she can't even do what I say correctly so that I have to fix it and rework it all over again? This is so goddamn frustrating.
Is this for real? Are we human? Or are we dancer?
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Do I Look Like I'm Kidding?
Power outage! Greaaaattt...
I'm trying to finish some works here, damn it!
And that woman who sits across my cubicle had just commented about my hair. "Girl, it such a messy bun!" she said.
Well you have a messy life, pumpkin. So fuck off and shut up already.
No, seriously. Take a good look at my face and tell me:
No, seriously. Take a good look at my face and tell me:
Monday, September 24, 2012
A Simple Life Lesson
"I'm learning real skills that I can apply throughout the rest of my life...Procrastinating and rationalizing." - Calvin
Friday, September 21, 2012
Dear Elmo
Why don't we go and have lunch together just like the old times? And then maybe you and I can go for a drink tonight.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Always fancy this woman for her effortlessly chic style and now she sings too. Love it, Lou!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
An Open Letter
Dear K,
I have nothing against you, but if you don't want your topless pictures taken and rapidly published in several magazines, just wear a bathing suit whenever you go sunbathing. Or you can go to a deserted cove, get undressed, and bury your self in sand.
I have nothing against you, but if you don't want your topless pictures taken and rapidly published in several magazines, just wear a bathing suit whenever you go sunbathing. Or you can go to a deserted cove, get undressed, and bury your self in sand.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Oh I Almost Forgot
If you're not on my favorite people list and we rarely speak, do not expect me to recognize your voice when you're trying to reach me by phone without mentioning your name first. Do introduce your self before you burst into evil crazy laughter that bleeds my ears and makes me wondering whether or not you're having a psychotic break.
Surely You Can't Be Serious
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image from andertoons.com |
People can be so annoying sometimes. Why they do what they do, I just don't get it. But, please, please, I'm begging you:
- Do not fucking text me nor call me late at night/early AM unless someone is dying or the world is ending. Not to mention that red text on BBM which all read was "PING!!!" Seriously people, what the hell is wrong with you?
- Do not monopolize the hand dryer in public toilets to dry your body/shirt while others are waiting in line to use it after you. Manner, people! Manner! It's called hand dryer for a reason.
- Do not make others miserable because of your incompetence. You've got personal problems at home, do not bring it to work. Guess what, I've got problems too! Maybe it's not about a lousy spouse or a fussy baby, but still you don't see me bitching around about it.
- Don't be a bitch.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Give Me Socks (I Got Cold Feet)
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image from blog.myhappyenglish.com |
You know what, I should have submitted a letter of resignation by last Monday. But I got cold feet. And now I'm still doing the same old routines here on my desk, doing the media monitoring thing, practicing my speed reading ability with fifteen different newspaper each day (tripled on Monday for I have to read Saturday's and Sunday's newspapers as well), writing press release, replying tons of email, sending clarification letters to media, translating press articles, answering the damn phone, arguing against my supervisor about trivial things, and so on.
The strange thing is that I suddenly feel that I can still keep pace with my hectic schedules and such demanding Dementor for a little while more. Maybe just until November comes and then I'm gonna be out of here.
I don't know. It could work, I suppose. Just wait and see.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Kata Malam
salam, perempuan (yang pernah kusebut) kesayangan
apa kata malam?
apa kata malam?
- Sleepwalker
I think I miss you. How weird is that? Are you alright there, Sleepwalker? I sincerely hope you are.
And happy full moon to you too, my dear, dear friend.
And happy full moon to you too, my dear, dear friend.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Hey, guess what? I don't care about that mid year performance review. I don't give a shit, so you'd better stop calling me lame. I'm leaving anyway. Why bother? I'm gonna have fun, enjoying life for a while. Dancing and drinking til I drunk.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Tonight's the Night
It's that time of year again, people. I'm going to celebrate Eid al-Fitr back in my home town with my family and catch up with some old fellas. But, first I need to catch my 7 PM flight and hopefully the traffic to airport won't be so bad. Otherwise, I'd have to kiss my airplane ticket goodbye.
Haven't packed my suitcase yet, but, nah, it doesn't matter. Travel light, yes?
By the way, so far I've collected a box of chocolate, two jars of cookies, and two slices of cake as Eid greetings. Not bad, eh? Not bad at all. People could really be that nice sometimes, ho-ho-ho...
Alright then, wish me luck and happy holiday to y'all!! ^ ^
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image from rsablogs.org.uk |
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Houston, We Have A Situation
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image from savagechickens.com |
So, there is this person who gave me a gift as my birthday present almost a month ago. The thing is, I've never liked this deadliest freaky creature in the human history so far so I'm like, "W-wha-aaat... you've got me a birthday p-p-present?? No kidding!"
Dude, my own mother doesn't even remember my birthday. And now the first gift I've got for my 27th birthday comes from someone I despise most? Like, what the fudge?
Let's cut the crap in here. Why did you give me that present?
Tell me. Why?
I don't like you and you're not really a fan of mine. We both know our feelings towards each other. So do explain. What's going on in here? Are you changing course? You don't stand a chance of winning my heart, mind you.
I can't even open that gift you gave me for I don't know how to feel about it. If I open it and I don't like it, I'm afraid that I'm gonna hate you more. If I open it and I like it, I'm gonna hate myself for easily fall prey to the little gimmick of yours.
So, yeah, thank you very much for putting me in such an awry situation.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Yo, Smart-Ass!
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image from bestofcalvinandhobbes.com |
I'm seriously considering about giving up my smartphone right now. It's not like I'm trying to turn my self into a hard-core environmentalist or a health-conscious freak or anything here. The reason I want to ditch that overrated gadget is purely based on my contempt for the poor quality of social interaction caused by telecommunications technology.
I can't even have a proper face to face communication with another person in the presence of this devilish device, for God's sake! When you're engage in the middle of a conversation with someone, please don't shift away your focus into that little toy of yours. If you want to talk, let's talk. Don't make me do the crap while your mind is wandering elsewhere.
If you're so keen to play with your BlackBerry or iPhone or whatever it is like I give a damn, don't even bother initiating a dialogue with me in the first place. Boy, you must think it's so cute to watch you getting busy with your hands while I'm trying to save our ass from awkward situation.
Do you know what I really really want to do with smartphones right now?
To give it a good hard kick in its smart-ass!
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Not Enough
For the sake of clarification: I'm not hating my job. I just don't love it enough to be able to enjoy it. I don't love it enough to wake my self up in the morning with a full spirit, nor to switch my voice to a happy tone every time I answer the phone call. I don't love it enough to deliberately give up my lazy hazy weekends for work. I just don't.
But once again, I'm not hating it. I just can't find a way to fully love it. Not to mention the pressure I've got from crazy people in the office: the backstabbers, the tattlers, the fawners. You name it.
Oh-well. Who am I kidding anyway. I HATE MY JOB! I f*cking hate it and can't stop thinking about quitting in every second even when I'm asleep. I dream about it every night. I dream about running away and breaking my self free. Maybe I should just do it right away rather than whining in my blog, no?
Okay, now let's play one sweet love song for every one.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Not Today
What is it with Monday morning? The universe seems to conspire to make my life miserable. The power unexpectedly went out and then the water halted the very minute I woke up. Luckily, there's still some water left in a bucket, just enough for me to take a quick shower.
The thing is, I haven't washed my hair for three days so it gets really greasy. But, if I washed my hair then I would have to tame it with blow dryer and flat iron, which impossible to do. Power outage, remember? Then I got this brilliant (or at least I thought) idea. I washed only my bangs so I could easily style it. But I was wrong and now my hair behaves like a b*tch. And I forgot to iron my shirt last night thus this morning I have to wear same wardrobe from last week.
So, yeah, I don't feel so smurfing happy today, you evil wizard. Well, what do you expect? I've got a weird hair and a stinky shirt, for smurf's sake!
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Don't Shout at Me, Biatch!
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image from offbeatfollies.blogspot.com |
You, woman.
I don't know what's going on in that little grey cells of yours. But I tell you what, you can't just yell at people because you think you are superior to others, which in fact you are NOT. In my humble opinion, you should really really leave that biatchtitude behind before someone wrings your neck. I mean it, seriously.
And just take off your mask, show the world your true colors. It's no use, I know a hypocrite when I see one.
I don't know what's going on in that little grey cells of yours. But I tell you what, you can't just yell at people because you think you are superior to others, which in fact you are NOT. In my humble opinion, you should really really leave that biatchtitude behind before someone wrings your neck. I mean it, seriously.
And just take off your mask, show the world your true colors. It's no use, I know a hypocrite when I see one.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
That's It!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Help Me Save You
I don't mean to sound so rude, but sometimes people just overwhelm me. The way they push the conversation just to escape from silence, when silence is the only thing I want to hear sometimes.
If I feel like talking, I talk. So help me save you from vanity.
There, I've said it. You can hate me now.
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image from andys-blog.com |
Sunday, May 6, 2012
I Miss You Every Sunday
Remember when we used to spend time together (almost) every weekend, doing nothing but to resting our sleepy head, having an intense conversation all night long, eating your cooking, drinking some coffee, watching DVD's or making inside jokes and sometimes crying? I miss those old days.
I miss every girls night in we had with our close friends, every surprise birthday party we threw, every tears and laughter we shared. I miss your stories.
I miss you every Sunday, dear friend, like the one I feel today.
Kota |
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Postcard Time Machine
I didn't aware people still sending postcard until I saw you holding a bunch of them loosely in your hands. You were playing with it as I made a serious attempt to speak. It's been a long time since we last spoke, or maybe I just imagine it.
Yep, I miss the days when you used to come to me, talking the small talk and stuff and everything. I used to complain even feel bothered. But now I just miss those moments.
And, oh, how I envy whomever it is you sent those postcards to.
And, oh, how I envy whomever it is you sent those postcards to.
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image from xkcd.com |
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Forgotten Future
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image from cartoonstock.com
...tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther... (The Great Gatsby)
Twenty-six year old and disturbingly confused. That's what I am. When people reach their quarter-life you would think that they have finally found their purposes in life. They would know where to go, what to do or not to do and when.
That's why it feels so pitiful for I still have no clue on how to translate my dreams for the future. In fact, it's slowly forgotten. Eroded bit by bit until there is nothing that remains.
O life, have a little mercy on us.
O life, have a little mercy on us.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Is It My Job or Am I Getting Old?
I've been having memory problems lately. I forgot names, dates, people, the movie's title I watched three nights ago, stuff I've bought not so long time ago, things I need to do, words I shouldn't say and many many more.
The irony is, there are things I really really need to forget but it sticks like glue in my head !@($)_$@)!!%$%_#^
So help me, God. Just help me, please.
In the mean time, let's celebrate life while we still can, ho-ho-ho-ho... Me and my partner in crime visited a nice little cafe in Kemang called Never Been Better recently. Here's some pictures we took.
the menu |
the kitchen |
ice sereh & ice coffee |
agliolio pasta |
free snack |
nom-nommmm... |
buuuurrpppp... |
Dinda is busy chatting |
me bored |
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
It Didn't Last, But It Was Something
It's raining outside and I'm in the mood for some melancholic things. Then I suddenly remember this one particular song from David Gray. Love it so much. Enjoy everyone!
Friday, January 13, 2012
The Monster in Me
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Yes, Elmo
So, I call in sick today. I really am. This stupid allergic reaction recurrences. I don't know why, maybe I'm just plain stressed out. It always triggers this condition.
And, yes, Elmo. My job is tiring me. And I hate people. Oh, I'm so full of hatred right now. I hate people when they're talking, laughing, joking, staring at me. And I hate you.
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image from porhomme.com |