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Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I can't stand the marketing people. They talk too much, feed you up with slides, and won't stop blabbering even when you give them a fucking bored face at a meeting. And they will chase you down like a hunter, popping up at your office when you least expect it and say things like,"Yeah, I was in the neighborhood and I thought, why don't I pay you a visit?" 

You were in the neighborhood? Seriously, dude? And that makes it okay for you to come without any appointment whatsoever? Like I have nothing else to do but to welcoming you at my office. 

No, seriously. Is that a standard opening line for you guys or what? 'Cos I've heard that line coming from every marketing people I know to justify their presence. 

A little advice from me, guys. Next time, pick a new line. Be creative and stop fooling around. 

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