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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Tomorrow, We'll Be Okay

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     "Kita berhenti."
     "Aku tahu. Kau tahu penyebabnya?"
     "Kupikir juga begitu. Apa kita tidak bisa melewati jalan ini?"
     "Tidak, jalannya buruk sekali."
     "Jadi, apa rencana kita?"
     "Kita akan menunggu sampai besok, menunggu hujan reda, menunggu jalan kering, lalu berangkat lagi."
     "Coba kuulang. Satu-satunya pilihan kita adalah berharap hujan akan reda besok, berharap matahari akan muncul dan cukup mengeringkan jalan agar kita bisa berangkat lagi?"
      "Dan jika hujan tidak reda?"
     "Kita akan menunggu."
     "Kita akan menunggu?"
     "Kita akan menunggu."
(Honeymoon with My Brother, pg. 455, Franz Wisner)

Please excuse me on this one, but I'm severely lazy to use my brain to translate those paragraphs above. It comes from one of my favorite book, Honeymoon with My Brother, written by Franz Wisner.

All of us, at some points, I believe, might had had a hard time in our lives. Maybe it's when you want something so badly but it never shows up, no matter how hard you try and beg and pray for it every day and night. Or maybe it's when you lose something or someone really special that you can't replace. 

Sometimes, all we've got to do is just to lay down and waiting. Waiting for the rain to stop and the storm to end, until the sky is clear again.

If Only

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“If only. Those must be the two saddest words in the world.” – Mercedes Lackey

The Magic Words

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So, it kinda hurts, doesn't it? To be ignored by someone you care about. To be whining while no one's listening. Boy, it sucks to be you now, don't you think? Eat that.

Life's cruel, some say. But I think you already knew that.

Regrets. Spell the magic words, I might forgive you someday.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Don't Ask

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I know that when people asking me about my life, that's because they care. But, sometimes I'd like to keep things for my self. 

Constant curiosity is just plain annoying. It's severely uncool, man. 

I refuse to answer. 

Saturday, August 6, 2011


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Holaaaaa..It's been a while, no? No. Okay.

So, there's a few things going on lately. 'Lil bit busy, of course. But still I manage to have fun. Procrastinating me, duh. 

Now, I wanna talk about comfort zone. Everyone wants to feel comfortable, right? So do I. That's why I find it so hard for me to get my ass off my current job. 

I can name billion reasons to not quitting my job. I like it here. I love my coworkers, I love my narrow table and my old computer on top of it, I love the buzzing sound from the air-con units across the room, I love how I can wake up at 10 am every morning then dragging my ass to office midday (OK, that's not really cool), I love the noise when people talking about the news or even gossiping. Hmmm...what else, what else....

Well, it might be not exactly billion of reasons. But, sure it's good enough to hold me from leaving.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Look, Man

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''Sometimes, you just gotta roll the dice.'' (Paul-Paul)
Monday, August 1, 2011

That Time of Year

It's that time of year again. Let's welcome the first day of Ramadan. Happy fasting everyone :)